Bécam Reference: B-00829 Temporary critical title: Claque, claque mes petites mains (2) Full text:
Tourne, tourne, mon p’tit moulin / Frappe, frappe / Ma p’tite main / O la belle menite / A l’enfant / O la joli’ menite.
Theme:Nursery Amusement songs
Laforte reference: V C-e 129 Laforte title: Claque, claque mes petites mains Laforte heading: V - Short songs / C-e - Nursery rhymes - Little smile on the body
Incipit: Tourne, tourne, mon p’tit moulin / Frappe, frappe Use: Enfantine Structure: 1 couplet de 5 vers Type: Text Book:Revue des Traditions Populaires, 1886-1919 Author of the article:VaugeoisPosition in book: 1897 - Tome 12, p. 622 [1] Occurrence in Laforte: yes (Version 7)
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