Songs of oral tradition in the French language
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Characteristics of the song-type


Bécam Reference: B-01944
Temporary critical title: Crime du petit Pierre (Le)
Theme: Literary songs without a known author





Version list (1 version, 1 occurrence )

  • Collector: MARCEL-DUBOIS Claudie
    Performer: DIROU Raymond
    Collect date: 1953-07-24
    Location of collect: Batz (Île de) (29)
    • Version 1: Un crime épouvantable…

      Incipit: Un crim’ épouvantable / Faisant à frémir d’horreur
      Structure: 1 couplet de 1 vers
      Type: Fragment, Music notation
      Book: Revue des Arts et Traditions Populaires, 1953-1970
      Position in book: 1954 - Fascicule 3, p. 249, chant 49
      Note: L’enregistrement est consultable sur (1953.007.047).
      Revue to listen

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